Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Cabin inspections!

Inspections have just taken place and everyone was shocked when they were asked to show their wash bags. But not as shocked as Miss Stannard who found several bone dry flannels! The cleanest boy award goes to Ben Payne who has had 4 showers!


  1. Well done on the cleanest boy award Ben! Love Mum, Dad, Abi and Joel x

  2. It looks like you are having a wonderful time! I am very jealous! By the way, it clearly wasn't anything to do with me that a creature has been eating your sweets, but on the topic of sweets, if you are feeling really sorry for me because I didn't get to go, you could always bring me a stick of rock home. Or an award for writing the longest sentence ever! I hope that you have all managed to have a wash now, but I probably won't see any of you until Monday, by which time your mum's will probably made you have a bath! Have a fab day tomorrow. Can't wait to see more photos.
    Miss BB
